Carol Kessler — A Appreciate Lesson

Carol Kessler was a instructor, a loving mother, a cherished friend and the person many able to educate me regarding love, value and looking after about other folks. She handled my own heart oftentimes with her kind text and her caring. I know that you have read about her, nevertheless just would not know who also she was until I stumbled upon her obituary. Ms. Carol Kessler was a teacher of reading and was active in many community organizations.

Sixth is v. CAROL KESSLER, age fifth there’s 89, died on Wednesday, Nov 6, 2021. She came to be in Lancaster, OH towards the late Leroy H. & Vivian C. Zimmerman. On this day Carol served as a member of the mother board of directors in the Alzheimer Population. Her various contributions for the society are evidenced in numerous articles your lover wrote. Among them are "A Party of Everyday Losses" and "A Year of Love".

The woman with survived by simply her three children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. This is actually a painful day time for all her family and friends. We extend our thoughts and prayers on her beloved family. Her legacy will go on through her many books, winning titles such as "A Year of Love" and "A Special event of Everyday Losses".

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